Reduce costs, save time. Plain and simple, text message marketing can greatly improve just about every business in existence. Forget snail mail. Save the stamps, save the paper, the envelopes and the time it takes to stuff them. Send SMS instead. It’s faster, cheaper and measurable. SMS Marketing response rates are higher than any other form of contact.
SMS Package & Price
Non Masking SMS Package
SMS Quantity | Price |
5,00,000+ | 0.20 tk/sms |
1,00,000-5,00,000 | 0.25 tk/sms |
5,000-1,00,000 | 0.30 tk/sms |
1,000-5,000 | 0.50 tk/sms |
Masking SMS Package
SMS Quantity | Price |
5,00,000+ | 0.40 tk/sms |
1,00,000-5,00,000 | 0.45 tk/sms |
5,000-1,00,000 | 0.50 tk/sms |
1,000-5,000 | 0.60 tk/sms |
We have 7+ years of experience in the digital marketing sector.
we can ensure you to provide a robust digital marketing solution.
We focus to bring out the best in the hugely competitive market.
Static websites are mainly designed to showcase the static products and services of a company that requires no or less change of content.
Starting at
Professional unique design having control of changing site content without IT knowledge. You can edit text using different font styles, sizes, and colors as you go.
Starting at
Ecommerce Web Development Services Full CMS Website for your Business.
Starting at
Static websites are mainly designed to showcase the static products and services of a company that requires no or less change of content.
Starting at
Professional unique design having control of changing site content without IT knowledge. You can edit text using different font styles, sizes, and colors as you go.
Starting at
Ecommerce Web Development Services Full CMS Website for your Business.
Starting at
Richard I Jones
WWW Realty